Billy O'Shea
And we all got drunk in Dublin City
Fall down me Billy
We all got drunk and the more's the pity
And it's fall down Billy O'Shea
We lay ourselves down on Rogerson's Quay
Fall down me Billy
When we woke up we were out to sea
And it's fall down Billy O'Shea
And it's fall down, fall down
Fall down, me Billy
We're bound away to Americay
And it's fall down, Billy O'Shea
We are no sailors Captain dear
Fall down, me Billy
And a bit unhappy to reef or to steer
And it's fall down, Billy O'Shea
The Captain said, 'I've a cure for that'
Fall down, me Billy
'And here for a start is a dose of the cat.'
And it's fall down, Billy O'Shea
And it's fall down, fall down
Fall down, me Billy
We're bound away to Americay
And it's fall down, Billy O'Shea
He sent him up to the topmast yard
Fall down, me Billy
When he hit the deck he took it hard
And it's fall down, Billy O'Shea
We wrapped him up in a canvas sail
Fall down, me Billy
And we lowered him gently over the rail
And it's fall down, Billy O'Shea
And it's fall down, fall down
Fall down, me Billy
We're bound away to Americay
And it's fall down, Billy O'Shea
And over the side and down he goes
Fall down, me Billy
He's gone to Davy Jones with a stitch through his nose
And it's fall down, Billy O'Shea
And it's fall down, fall down
Fall down, me Billy
We're bound away to Americay
And it's fall down, Billy O'Shea