We welcome all new additions to our shanty collections! Get in touch with the group via facebook to add yer favourites.
[Admin] Adding Shanties
Open the google site in edit mode
Navigate to Pages in the sidebar
Twirl down Shantys
Click the three dots on a shanty and select Duplicate
The copy should appear at the bottom of the list of shanties
Rename: Three Dots -> Properties -> Name
Move: Drag the new shanty to its alphabetical place in the list
Edit: Click on the shanty to open it up for editing
Format: We want to keep in mind accesibility, so use a very simple and consistent song format.
Use Roboto 13px
If authors are known, add to the second line of the heading bar
Solo/Lead lines: normal text
Together lines: bold text
Optional yells: italics, ie Wuh!
Do: copy and paste choruses and repetitions
Dont: use shortcuts like chorus.. and x3
Dont: punctiate sentences, ie , .
Publish: Click the publish button in the top right to review and publish your changes